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  • Last login about 4 hours ago

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  • 383 references 342 Confirmed & Positive
  • Fluent in English; learning English, Spanish
  • 59, Male
  • Member since 2010
  • RETIRED - Military Medicine
  • US Navy, College and LIFE!
  • From New York City, NY, USA
  • Profile 100% complete

About Me

I had Covid-19 back in December 2020 BEFORE there was a vaccine!! I got the vaccine right after it came out, thank you Uncle Sam! I have had COVID once since then. I am vaccinated, inoculated and probably have glow in the dark urine but I am still glad I took the vaccine!

You don’t have to take it but don’t talk shot about it as it has saved millions of lives worldwide!

Oh, if you gonna request, please use MY NAME in the first sentence, eh? As Lil Nas X says, Call Me By My Name!


Very easygoing guy interested in meeting new people. I am into anything that doesn't cause pain and isn't illegal! And that depends on who’s definition of illegal we talking about!

To travel and meet as many people and see as many places as possible.

Just experiencing moments with gratitude and an open mind. Taurus, if you care about astrology.

I like things clean, neat and organized! But again, once in a while , kick it to the curb..go messy! There is a BIG difference between being Messy/Untidy AND Nasty!

If you want to know something, just ask...other than that if you don't have a picture, it didn't happen!

I believe in asking questions, that's the main way of knowing things! No question is too personal!

There’s a saying that new brooms sweep clean, but old brooms knows the corners! This old guy can teach you a thing or two about a thing or two!!! 😂


Do unto others as you would have them do unto you!

You can't live a perfect day without doing something for someone who will never be able to repay you!

Cleanliness is next to Godliness!!!

Hebrew 13:2 - Do not forget to show hospitality to strangers, for by so doing some people have shown hospitality to angels without knowing it..

Chinese (Ricky) proverb - Man who goes to bed with itchy ass wakes up with smelly fingers....😝

Laughter - it's not just the best medicine but it breaks down barriers...lots of them!

Why I’m on Couchsurfing


I would like to be a great ambassador for CouchSurfing... showing people a great time, learning as much as possible about the program and helping in any way possible.

I LOVE to host because it’s all about sharing and caring. I absolutely LOVE people and for me it's not so much the outward appearance, but definitely the inner beauty. I have to get a spiritual connection in order to be able to tell if I like you, but chances are I will....why? Because you are here....

I don't like labels - gay, lesbian, vegan, backpackers, nerds, geeks etc. Just be YOU! As long as you are RESPECTFUL and willing to open your mind to alternative events and people, we can get along! I will even host a Trump supporter 😆 I join various groups to let guests now that it's ok to stay here!

Please note, however, I am a CARNIVORE! The Vegan lifestyle is NOT for me! I love meat and I don't have a lot of experience cooking vegetarian meals. However, that does not mean that you can't prepare it yourself. I have a kitchen you can use and the grocery store is a 10 minute walk.

Couchsurfing is a GREAT experience! It truly is. But I think people need to understand that it costs to host. It's amazing how many people have recently joined this site JUST to freeload! There is no money involved so I think it's always nice to bring the host a gift/trinket/souvenir as an appreciation or show it some other way. The purpose is to meet AND interact with people. As Hosts we do realize that WE are working while YOU are on vacation so time may be limited but always try to find time for interaction. Communication is VITAL! Mobile messaging apps are so plentiful so please use them when communicating in addition to the CS App. Honestly, the CS App is not very user friendly for constant communication. As a SECURITY measure, use it for initial and vital contact, however, other apps are available as well which gives a more immediate response especially for last minute hosting. You name it, I got it!

The spirit of Couchsurfing is to meet and enjoy friendships! How can we do this if you come at night and leave in the morning?

Here's a link for first timers - and seasoned travelers to understand the site better - https://support.couchsurfing.org/hc/en-us/articles/200717684-Tips-to-


I DON"T LIKE RULES .....treat my home like yours and we will get along fine! Simply basic decency applies as well. I am not a hotel, please do not treat my home like one! My services, however, are 5 Stars! 💯 Facts!


LOVE IT! Are you kidding me? The people I meet are so special and they make the world a better place! I like the fact that I can't travel as much as I would like to but I get the travelers coming here from all over the world....

I have met some great people on here who I consider family! I have hosted folks in Europe who have stayed with me in Asia and then have stayed with me in DC! I have a few folks who have stayed 2 or 3 times since the initial visit! I love this website and what it stands for! Even if you can't host, hangouts or meet ups are simple to do and may bring you in contact with someone who could be a friend for life! Try it. You may like it!


Travelling, Cooking, Entertaining, Volunteering, Cars, Audio equipment, Computers, Fashion, Designing, Christmas! Music, Movies, TV

  • fashion
  • photography
  • cooking
  • running
  • cars
  • painting
  • music
  • karaoke
  • hiking
  • backpacking
  • travel
  • food
  • massage
  • plants
  • bartending
  • volunteer
  • vacation
  • drinks
  • computers
  • sexuality
  • hikes
  • entertaining
  • designing
  • planes
  • christmas

Music, Movies, and Books

Music - RnB, Soul, Reggae, Calypso, Soca, Pop, Disco, House, Jazz, Neo-Soul, Techno,

Movies - Comedies, Thriller, Action, Drama, oh yeah Porn, (why you want me to lie) ;-) WHO doesn't like porn?

I love musical video games - you know like Just Dance and Dance Revolution and the likes - Why? Because it is funny to see how people with no coordination or rhythm but they be getting into IT!!! Party at Ricky's! It's one of the few games where they are no winners just a shit load of fun! Sorta like Karaoke - the drunker the better!

One Amazing Thing I’ve Done

Seriously, the most amazing thing I have ever done is join the U. S. Navy! My experiences range from partying on the Mediterranean to saving lives in the desert! The Military has afforded me the opportunity to be who I am today!

A pretty close second is Canyon Descending and Rappelling in Granada, Spain! Of course, I can't swim and afraid of heights! Amazing day!

And no shit about being in the Navy and can't swim! IYKYK - hello!

Teach, Learn, Share

Each one, teach one!

If you are traveling for an extended period or not, if you can, you should get an INTERNATIONAL DRIVERS LICENCE as it could afford you another mode of transportation especially if you are doing cross country travels. Check it out before you travel!

It's relatively EASY to buy a car in the US and believe me if you are travelling for at least 30 days and on a road trip, the savings are significant and ASTRONOMICAL vice if you are 25 years old or younger and want to rent a car!! A car can even be used to sleep in if you can't get a host and on the flip side you can sell it back for some quick money before departure!

I am always willing to learn from anyone and everyone.

See one, do one, teach one - if it works for Uncle Sam it will work for you as well...

What I Can Share with Hosts


Having a great time...are you down?

Countries I’ve Visited

Belgium, France, Germany, Iraq, Italy, Jamaica, Japan, Kuwait, Luxembourg, Panama, Spain, United States, Vatican City State

Countries I’ve Lived In

Germany, Italy, Jamaica, Japan, Spain, United States

Old School Badges

  • 3 Vouches
  • Pioneer Badge

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